Sports Physiotherapy for Riders:

Sports Physiotherapists play an integral role in every sport and most professional athletes journey. They have a thorough understanding of biomechanics and the way the body works. Through comprehensive assessment, Sports Physios determine areas of weakness or dysfunction and prescribe tailored management programs to remedy flagged issues, leading to enhanced physical performance.

The Riders Physio, Zoe Farrant, is an Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) Titled Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist, who assists riders of all ages and ambition to be physically capable of being a good load to carry and to influence their horses with coordinated, imperceptible aids.

It is inevitable that injury and painful conditions will arise over ones lifespan and riding years. Let Zoe help you bounce back as quickly as possible.

Zoe understands the demands of equestrian sports, has undergraduate and masters degree qualifications and >10 years experience treating and diagnosing riding related musculoskeletal conditions and sporting injuries.

Zoe’s passion in life is helping riders achieve their goals by optimising their physical function. She would love to be part of your team. They say ‘team work, makes the dream work!’.

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actively work towards being the best rider athlete you can be.

Your horses will thank you.

Who Can Benefit?

Physio for the Rider is for the rider (of any level, age, and discipline) who:

  • Would like a Sports Physiotherapists advice on how to enhance their riding fitness/physical ability through thorough assessment and a targeted individualized program specific to them and their riding

  • Is working on a positional or training problem that they would like a Sports Physiotherapist to functionally and physically assess

  • Experiences/is limited by pain whilst or after riding

  • Is requiring rehabilitation following injury/surgery

How to get involved:

In person:

On the Mornington Peninsula: If you are local to the area, you can see Zoe at the prestigious Boneo Park on Wednesdays or weekends and team it up with a delicious meal at Arilla or a clinic/competition. Alternatively, you can see Zoe at The Beach Physio + Performance in Safety Beach.

At your place: If you live a distance away (or even interstate) Zoe may be able to come to you. Arrange a group of friends and make a clinic out of it. Shoot Zoe an email to discuss further.


You can experience the benefits of The Riders Physio remotely via the following online services; Premium Rider Consults (Online), Telehealth Consults (PHI rebates apply), and various Online Rider Fitness options. See Online Services for details.



Ready to take the next step? You can book your consultation or exercise session directly on our website.