Initial Assessment Consult for Riders (approx.1.5-2 hrs):

Comprehensive assessment and management plan/program specific to you as a rider and your goals.

Includes the following:


  • Subjective Assessment (pre consult questionnaire and verbal assessment)

  • Functional Assessment - analysis of your pre recorded riding footage or book a Ridden Functional Assessment on your horse to completed on the day (see below for details)

  • Objective Assessment of the ridder from head to toe (off the horse).. May include assessment of your motor control, ‘core’, balance and coordination, muscle length, joint range, spinal mobility, and of course, any current injuries/painful problems.

On completion of the above, relevant deficits will have been flagged which are likely to be hindering your performance and/or comfort (and subsequently impacting your horses performance).

Management (may include):

  • Advice/education re deficits and impact on function and riding mechanics

  • Management plan to aid in achieving discussed goals

  • Prescription of an exercise program specific to you, your goals and current deficits. Program may include strengthening exercises, stretches, neuromuscular/motor control/ ‘core stability’ and proprioception exercises, self massage and mobilisation techniques

  • Taping/bracing

  • Manual therapy including mobilisation, manipulation, soft tissue techniques, dry needling

  • Modification of riding mechanics utilising visual feedback, bands and other equipment as appropriate

  • Where appropriate, referral for imaging and/or specialist opinion

Handout and Correspondence

You will have your individualised program as a sequence of films on your device (phone or iPad) and/or a written document within 24-48hrs of the consultation. 

You will be encouraged to work with your coach to assist with any biomechanical issues highlighted. Correspondence between the Physio and the your Coach is encouraged. 

Should you require referral for imaging or further medical investigation/management - correspondence and imaging reports will be directed to your specified GP.


Depending on the rider, a follow up may be required within 4-12 weeks to progress and move onto the next stage of their management program. 


Schooling for 5-10min sans stirrups (when appropriate and safe) can be hugely beneficial to the riders seat

Just ask professional rider, Jack Palfreyman.

Subsequent Consult for Riders (approx. 1-1.5 hrs):

For existing clients who are requiring re-assessment and progression of their existing management program. Includes review of the above described components from the initial consultation.


an example of Bands and other ‘props’ used to enhance the riders proprioception and sense of ‘plugging in’.

Image: Super models Charlee Martin and Ellanbrae Jupiter.

Ridden Functional Assessment (approx. 40min):

Book in a Ridden Functional Assessment as a valuable addition to your Initial Assessment Consult or for a follow up with Zoe. Short films will be taken during this session for immediate feedback for you to look at whilst you’re riding, and to be analysed in slow motion at a later stage.

Your position, alignment, effectiveness of aids and biomechanics related to your presenting painful problem and/or performance issue will be assessed. You are likely to receive on and off the horse cues and exercises with simple ‘props’ to facilitate greater body awareness and learning of new neuromotor patterns.

Bring your horse down to Boneo Park or Zoe may be able to come to you (travel fees apply).

Ground fees apply at Boneo Park and subject to arena availability.