
Telehealth Consultations:

During these tough times, The Riders Physio is offering affordable and easy to access Physiotherapy at home.

If you have a new or old injury/problem that needs attention and you cannot attend an in person appointment, a Telehealth Consultation with Zoe is the solution. She can assess you and provide you with a management plan and/or triage you so that you are put on the right track ASAP with imaging/specialist/medical review if required. The telehealth platform used is secure and user friendly, even for those who find technology headache inducing.

There is no need to put your health concerns on hold during lockdown and COVID restrictions, you can access good quality healthcare at home via telehealth. There is a building body of evidence that suggests that for many musculoskeletal problems, physiotherapy teleconsults are just as effective as in person visits. For this reason, most Private Health Insurers have jumped on board and are providing rebates for these services.

Initial telehealth consult (up to 60min) $75 (claimable on most PHI rebates).

Follow up telehealth consult (up to 40min) $60 (claimable on most PHI rebates).